
Homeport 2.0 Design

Brooklyn, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC provided geotechnical engineering services in support of the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) Homeport 2.0 Design project located in the borough of Brooklyn, New York.

Brooklyn, New York

Project Details

MFS provided special inspections of seven (7) landside test borings and four (4) waterside test borings at the project site during two (2) subsurface investigations. The purpose of the test borings was to identify the general subsurface conditions at the project site to inform the project geotechnical and structural design components for the proposed development which included additional ferry vessel slips, utility systems, a ferry travel lift, underground sewage and fuel storage tanks, a fuel storage house, and renovations of an existing warehouse building. The borings were conducted to depths up to 215 feet below existing grade. MFS generally obtained samples continuously in the uppermost 12 feet and at five-foot intervals thereafter during each of the borings conducted.

MFS provided on-site, full-time special inspections during the subsurface field investigation. MFS observed the subsurface conditions and generated test boring logs to include soil classifications in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and New York City Building Code, groundwater observations, action of equipment, and other noteworthy observations. The boring logs showed borehole and sample diameters and depths at which drilling, or sampling methods or equipment change. In addition, the logs showed total depth of penetration, blow counts, groundwater level, and types of sampling. The drilling equipment make and model, drilling method, date and time drilled, casing, any heaving conditions, loss of circulation, voids, or any other conditions observed during drilling will also be noted on the logs.

Laboratory tests were performed to classify soils and obtain geotechnical physical characteristics for soils. The results of the field investigation and laboratory testing program, evaluation of the subsurface conditions, and MFS’ geotechnical engineering recommendations were presented in a written geotechnical engineering report. The geotechnical engineering report provided design and construction recommendations for the various structures on site which included deep and shallow foundation systems, water table and tidal datums, seismic evaluation, retaining wall/bulkhead structures, underground tanks, anticipated structure settlements, and monitoring and instrumentation recommendations.

Following the subsurface investigation and geotechnical engineering report, MFS provided inspections of an indicator pile program at the project site which consisted of eight (8) test piles of various sizes driven to various depths. At the conclusion of the indicator pile program, MFS prepared an indicator pile summary memorandum which included a summary of the indicator pile driving performed, dynamic load test results, and our recommendations and conclusions.


  • Owner:

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional geotechnical engineering services including geotechnical investigation and subsurface exploration, soil engineering services, and permeability testing.