
NYSOGS DOT N. Merrick Garage Structural Assessment

North Merrick, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) provided structural engineering and assessment services to support Office of General Services (NYSOGS) for the NYSDOT’s Maintenance Garage Facility located on 1234 Meadowbrook Road in North Merrick, New York.

North Merrick, New York

Project Details

The primary objective of the inspection was to assess the overall condition of the existing building’s exterior, with a primary focus on the overhead garage door lintels and openings, adjacent brick columns, and surrounding areas potentially affected by these damages. Prior to the inspection, it was made aware to MFS that at multiple locations, the existing 2.5x2.5 horizontal angle above the overhead garage doors on the interior corner of the lintel came loose and fell to the ground. Additionally, the existing overhead garage door widths are undersized for the current plow trucks it provides access to.

The main warehouse area has a hipped roof with the structural framing comprised of approximately 14-ft deep timber trusses that span in the east-west direction, supported at the ends and at mid-span by solid brick columns that bear on shallow concrete foundations. There are seventeen (17) exterior solid brick columns along the length of the main warehouse area with the columns spaced at approximately 14’-6”. Between the solid brick columns are overhead garage doors with clear span dimensions of 13’-2” tall by 12’-0” wide. The overhead garage door lintels are comprised of double channel lintels bearing on a continuous 2-ft wide by 3/8-in thick plate. The main warehouse area floor is comprised of a concrete slab on grade with no cellar.

MFS compiled a Structural Assessment Report based on the findings of the site investigation. The report included all observations obtained during the field investigation, photo documentation of the existing conditions, assessment of the building’s overall structural integrity, short term immediate repair recommendations, along with typical repair detail sketches, and long-term recommendations for continued use of the existing garage doors. The Structural Assessment Report was reviewed and signed and sealed by a New York licensed Professional Engineer.


  • Owner:

Services Provided

  • MFS provides professional structural engineering services, working closely with private and public clients and contractors to engineer cost-efficient and sound structural systems, providing design services, building assessments, and structural inspections.