Industrial & Manufacturing

443 E 100th Street, Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn, New York

Project Overview

MFS Consulting Engineers & Surveyor, DPC (MFS) provided professional land surveying services in support of the project site located at 443 East 100th Street, Brooklyn, New York.

Brooklyn, New York

Project Details

MFS performed a topographic field survey to the locate the accessible above ground physical features, such as, but not limited to; buildings, curbs, edge of pavement, drives, striping, sidewalks, fences, walls, utility/light poles, signs, street trees, tree lines. First floor/garage floor elevations were determined at doorways. Cross sections of paved surfaces were surveyed at a minimum of 50’ intervals and at low/high points. Spot elevations were obtained at a spacing sufficient to develop contours at an interval of 0.5 foot. Break line features such as top/bottom of curb, edge of pavement, top/bottom of slopes/swales/banks/walls, etc. were located. MFS also obtained the invert elevations of the 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch laterals in the facility basements.

MFS located the accessible surface utilities surface hardware such as manholes, catch basins, trench drains, valve covers, utility/light poles, hydrants, etc. MFS also located any utility mark-out visible at the time of the field survey that was marked out by others. For storm drains and sanitary sewers, MFS obtained measurements to determine inverts and pipe sizes at accessible manholes and catch basins. Subsurface utilities such as water, gas, electric and communication were depicted based on surface features and available mapping and mark-out (marked out by others).

MFS retained the services of GEOD Corporation to provide Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services. SUE services provided included electromagnetic utility locating in compliance with Quality Level “B” of CI/ASCE 38-02, Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data, hereinafter referred to as Standard 38-02. Any non-locatable utilities discovered through record information or otherwise were shown on the drawings at Quality Level “C” or “D”. SUE targeted the centerline of utilities for survey by MFS’ survey department. Tunnels, wide ducts, etc. were marked with paint to approximate each side of the system.

MFS performed a roof survey to locate the edge of roofs, the roof drains, downspouts, and leaders. MFS prepared a plan depicting the different roofs with edge of roof elevations, top and bottom parapet elevations, and elevations of roof drains.


  • Owner:
    B & G Foods North America

Services Provided

  • MFS provides land surveying services throughout the tri-state area, specializing in site surveying, boundary surveys, topographical surveys, and utility surveys. One of the top surveying companies in NJ, we have extensive experience in real estate, infrastructure, utility, transportation and more.